Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So its been a damn long time since our last post and we apologise..

so much has happened- its 2010 now.. and we have been in ol' Ottawa town for a month today! one month down. By saying that it's not said we're counting the days 'til we leave. We like it here, lots, but OH DEAR we also miss Adelaide (and Sweden..)

New years we trecked to Montreal to a seedy little hostel (stained sheets and all..) to celebrat the coming of the new year. We ended up in a pretty amazing bar/club that conveniently had an open tab until almost midnight. Twas a lovely evening of dancing, drinking, singing, nipping and one yelled conversation - That turned dramaticly in the end to coat check hounding, worrying, one bitch slap, snow and tears. However, all is made better over greasy kebabs-- in the most classy of ways!

But i must say-- the crit for Montreal- a lovely city, beautiful, cozy, damn fine people (but not as damn fine as in Toronto - T adds), and much more french than anticipated. We shall be back.

Other than that we have continued to explore Ottawas Galleries and canals- of which we are assured shall be open for ice skating soon. The biggest news however is that we have started uni at Carletons Azrelie School of Architecture and Design. and so far it has been great- the people are unbelievebly friendly to the point that some people seemed genuinely sad when we had to switch from thier class to another.. odd, but lovely nontheless.

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