Thursday, February 4, 2010

Forty nine

So i thought a list of things that we have learnt whilst in Canada might be appropriate.

1. it is not possible to run in -22 degrees, as it is far to hard to breathe.

2. You can, however, run when it is snowing - although you need to be a very careful not to slip on the covered ice (which means that rules out Tora ever running in snow, since she manage to fall twice back in Adelaide. On the same spot. Without the help of either snow or ice).

3. Contrary to Australia, it is warmer when it is cloudy/snowing "its like a blanket that keeps us warm" -Quote Mikeal Sydor Carleton University

4. Standing in the sun dosnt make you warmer unless you are inside in a heated environment and standing next to a window - but sure it is nice with the sunshine either way!

5. Some Canadians have NEVER seen the Ocean let alone had beach hair or even touched the sea.. poor souls and ever so slightly odd.

6. Choose appropriate footware according to temperature, not by the amount of snow on the ground.

7. Toboganning requires a tobogan. toboganning in tights on your ass is not recommended (But now that i bought Tora one, it shall soon be used).

8. Greyhound busses- its better to get on the second bus- be at the end of the line, than the first that is packed.

9. everything freezes, including dog poo, headphones, eggs, vomit, your own chin, toes, cheeks and nose etc etc (which means that going out with wet hair is not to recommend - unless you want a free haircut).

10. Australia has seriously underestamated the greatness of bagels.

11. Canada has seriously underestamated the greatness of Vegimite (-that stands for Ellen).

12. Porrige is not only great for pretending to be goldilocks, but is possibly the cheapest student breakfast around.

13. Foamcore is only 4 dollars for a giant sheet (but still not recyclable).

14. Yellow trace brings odd reactions from the locals "what wierd ass yellow paper!"

15. A jug of beer is refered to as a "Pitcher"

16. You must tip the bartender or you will not be served again.. all night.. (does not matter how much you try to flirt your way back again)

17. Tipping is 13%

18. When you buy things, the marked price on the label does not include Tax, which is between 13 and 18% (bullshit)

19. The winter skies are just absolutely amazing, and to watch them from your own street - even better.

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