Saturday, December 19, 2009


..Not all sides of Toronto are pretty, yesterday we ended up in a pretty dodgy area trying to find this place that sells old recods since T has found some amazing records for under a dollar each we now have to find a player. Both of us have been in some pretty sketchy places around the world, dodgy avenues, but this neighbourhood proved to stir some uncertianty. Many odd looking charaters, windows with alot of bars across them, some pretty racid vomit left on the side of the road (that by the cold had nicely freezed). But hey we survived, found the store, didn't buy anything and promptly took a cab (with yet another wierd cab driver) back to the brighter side.

The night started with drinks (what else?). Way too sweet ones by the way, but we managed. For a while. Karaoke (x2, we kind of got forced..) was the theme for the night. Smoke machines. Two big "pitchers" of beer, which resulted in an intimate encounter with the cold stone floor of the lovely "washrooms". A free shot at the bar (sneaky sneaky). 2 free moosehead t-shirts (thank you S). And for last a very short walk home, though E wanted to hail a cab. We think random is a good word to summon the night.

E met up with some old friends i travelled with in Madagascar this morning which was lovely. After two years we all connected like old times (i guess thats what you get when you live with people in a third world country for three months, you bond rather well). Meeting up with them was amazingly refreshing. Seeing old faces who hadn't changed, but yet have acheived so much and who are still headed in such inspiring directions, was just lovely.
It's something to love about travelling, reconnecting with people and meeting new ones. People who are doing things completely different from you. You know, people who have their own lives, own interests and own stories. It's great connecting with people who have different avenues in life you learn so much, about them, the world, people, places, but also yourself. How you can talk about things that don't usually probe your concious train of thought question, find conclucions, or for the most part more questions.


Oh, and by the way - Niagara Falls (and the town) was thumbs up x2. We gotta love the vintage stores.

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