Saturday, December 12, 2009


So how to begin a blog?

How you begin a journey? time away? conversations? journeys, pathes, life, meals?

How do you begin anything?
After so much time establishing new begninnings somwhere else, to now start again, completely differently.

So far we have attempted this by buying bright green gumboots, jackets that are the equivilant to wearing a doona and boots that look like we should be hiking up Mt Everest- sexy we assure you. boys back home you would have a field day paying us out.

But back to establishing more than just a wardrobe to survive the 30cm of snow that is falling from the sky (as we speak).

Canada from what we can tell, most are interested in where we are from (of course), which gets confusing considering it is a crazy combination of Australia, Sweeden, Adeialde and Cairns. Until we find a better, less confusing way of saying it we just mix it all.

In a way this a trip isn't only about finding out about other people and where they are from, what their stories are, but also about finding who we are, what our stories are and where we have been, and how this defines us. One thing about travelling and being removed from what you know is the realisation of your own thoughts, free of the external influences of family, friends, "peers" influence. You have the ability to truely draw your own conclusions without the imput of others. It's almost like a meditation in its own right- a clensing.

So what we're basicly saying is- now we've left we don't need any of you anymore! hahahaha-- not even close.

But even with new environments, situations, they pose questions that you wouldnt think of in your normal situations at home- like for instance yesterday at the grocery store (note Canadian terms) we found ourselfs asking "why are these watermelons so tiny??" importat things that you would never be confronted with back home.

Where is home?

A question for next time..


So yeah, how to begin? A question not comletely answered, but a few things to great help -
- Right clothes so we can venture out of the house is a very good start, a trusty friend is nice, a kettle full of warming tea. and some guts.

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